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Verizon (fka GTE Wireless) billing fraud - condoned by the FCC

BayHouse Credit Forum: Notebooks - (Cell) Phone Service - ISPs - Web Hosting - InterNIC: Verizon (fka GTE Wireless) billing fraud - condoned by the FCC
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Christine Baker

Saturday, January 15, 2000 - 11:38 am Click here to edit this post
January 13, 2000

To: FCC, Complaints -- via fax to 717-338-2694

This complaint is against:

GTE Wireless
P.O. Box 33051
St Petersburg, FL 33733

Published at

My former cell phone (account) # (415) 816-1973


I have web pages (20+ pages printed) about the incredible incompetence relating to both the cellular service as well as billing provided by GTE Wireless.

When I finally managed to get out of California for good, in December 1998 (1998!!!!) I was thrilled to be able to cancel my service with GTE Wireless. Several calls to request service termination were NOT processed.

It was March or April 1999, when after numerous calls GTE finally closed my account and made SOME adjustments. As they had worn me out, and I just wanted to never ever hear from GTE again, I decided to pay for about one month of service (about $50) that I did not have.

On 7/16/99 I called the GTE automated account info and verified the 0 balance I should have had.

After my return from Alaska in Oct. 99, I found several invoices from GTE for $105, along with a check from GTE for $90.42, dated 7/23/99.

Immediately I called GTE. It took a LOOONG time to convince Ryan (ext. 4172) that the check was from GTE. It made as little sense to him as it did to me. He was unable to give me an explanation. I told him I would NOT cash their check. I requested a 0 balance verification. He assured me they would research the problem and advise via E-mail.

Nothing happened. I received no E-mail. I continue to get these invoices.

I have absolutely had it now. I would really appreciate it if you just took their license away. It is my understanding that you would revoke MY license if didn't follow your rules. I have to say that hearing the word "f*ck" on a ham band is not bothering me at all. GTE has now stolen literally HUNDREDS of hours of MY time with their ongoing incompetence. Not to mention the CASH I'm missing because of GTE's lousy service and tech support, as well as false advertising.

I'll be very happy to supply the INCORRECT GTE invoices I have received over the years while I was forced to be their customer due to lack of competition. Some of those "errors" EXCEEDED $2,000. Upon notification, they often did nothing to correct the problems until I threatened with legal action.

In my opinion, this is no way to do business in the United States. What is the FCC's opinion?

I appreciate your E-mailed or faxed response,


Christine Baker
fax: 415-449-xxxx

copy faxed to: GTE at 888-701-7193

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Christine Baker

Saturday, January 15, 2000 - 12:01 pm Click here to edit this post
The Jfax receipt to GTE:

"Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 18:56:26 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Subject: JFAX.COM Successful transmission to 18887017193.

Re: GTE Wireless ongoing billing fraud

Fax to 18887017193 successful: 42 seconds, 2 page(s), $ 0.10,
transmission time: 14-01-2000 02:55:22 (GMT),
remote CSID: 18887017193."

The Jfax ERROR notification for the FFC fax:

"Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 19:09:37 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Re: GTE Wireless ongoing billing fraud

The fax you recently sent through JFAX.COM to 17173382694 did not go through because the destination fax number is not answering."

I tried again, got the same error message.

I concluded that their fax must be out of paper.

My attempt to fax on Friday resulted in another failure:

"Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2000 11:36:55 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)

Re: GTE Wireless ongoing billing fraud

The fax you recently sent through JFAX.COM to 17173382694 did not go through because the destination fax number is not answering."

I concluded that I must have the wrong fax number and went back to the FCC page:

"As an alternative to mailing, the complaint may be faxed to (717) 338-2694."

I keep comparing the numbers, and they LOOK the same to me.

Was Friday a federal holiday?

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Christine Baker (Admin)

Saturday, April 22, 2000 - 08:23 pm Click here to edit this post
Quite a few times I had tried to fax to the FCC, eventually I gave up.

As I got my mail the other day, I once again received a bill from GTE. Freshly motivated, I tried the FCC fax number again and this time it went through. Halleluja!!!

Obviously, the copy of the fax that went to GTE on 1/13/00 yielded absolutely NO response. As usually.


Re: GTE Wireless ongoing billing fraud

Fax to 17173382694 successful: 42 seconds, 2 page(s), $ 0.10,
transmission time: 22-04-2000 00:57:16 (GMT),
remote CSID: 7173382696.

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Anonymous (Anonymouse)

Monday, April 24, 2000 - 12:30 pm Click here to edit this post
Send certified mail. It's the only way to be sure. That, or private hired courier.

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Christine Baker (Admin)

Monday, April 24, 2000 - 03:37 pm Click here to edit this post
Do you have any experience with various delivery methods for complaints with a government agencies?

I could never get anything to HUD via certified mail.

Well, I'd rather finish updating the old notebook.html (you'll enjoy my Fry's experiences) and if I really want to put time into this I'll update and upload my GTE sux pages again.

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Anonymous (Anonymouse)

Monday, April 24, 2000 - 04:23 pm Click here to edit this post
Actually, yes - but I was in the service, so I had a few ins. Kinda like cops who get by because they are "on the job", I was able to get a friendly name - either way it's legal proof that you mailed something, so if you have to go to court and sue later...

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Christine Baker (Admin)

Monday, April 24, 2000 - 05:42 pm Click here to edit this post
Well, I can't sue the FCC anyway. I agree that it's legal proof that you mailed something.

However, I consider the fax receipt (by an independent service such as jfax) just as good as the post office receipt. When it really comes down to it, a fax is probably better, since there is no question about what was faxed.

You could actually mail an empty envelope via certified mail, get the little green card and make all kinds of claims as to the contents of the envelope.

I once mailed certified my mortgage payment along with my request for an accounting statement and Home Savings claimed they never got that request. Of course they cashed my check.

I recall a discussion with some people who complain even more than me (imagine that!) and they get someone like a mailbox etc. person to sign an affidavit for the contents of the envelope and then mail by certified mail.

Sounds like an awful lot of work, but it makes sense to do it that way.

For MOST purposes I think the fax is actually better than the certified mailing. I can NOT edit the fax once it's been sent, I can't think of a way I could tamper with the sent fax or the receipt.

I never really thought about it until now, and if anyone has any feedback on that I'd appreciate it.

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Christine Baker (Admin)

Tuesday, June 20, 2000 - 08:45 pm Click here to edit this post
The FCC response to my complaint:


Federal Communications Commission
Consumer Information Bureau
1270 Fairfield Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325- 7245

May 24, 2000

Re: Informal Complaint: 2000004852

Dear Ms. Baker:

Thank you for your letter of January 13, 2000, concerning GTE Wireless. The company has been directed to investigate the complaint and report the results of its investigation in writing to the Commission within 30 days. We have also asked the company to provide a copy of its response to you.

Upon receipt of the company's response, we will review it to ensure the company addressed all the issues raised in your complaint, and to determine whether the company has violated any applicable Commission rules, regulations or policies. We will advise you of our determination after our review has been completed.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Vanessa Kuhn of my staff at (717) 338-2546.


Sharon C. Bowers
Deputy Division Chief
Consumer Information Network Division
Gettysburg Consumer Center

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Christine Baker (Admin)

Tuesday, June 20, 2000 - 08:47 pm Click here to edit this post
The GTE response:


GTE Wireless
Regulatory Department
245 Perimeter Center Parkway
Atlanta, Georgia 30346
(678) 339-4269

June 01,2000
Federal Communications Commission
Consumer Information Bureau
Consumer Information Network Division
Attn: Sharon Bowers
1270 Fairfield Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325- 7245

Re: Informal complaint of Christine Baker
Reference Number: 2000004852

Dear Ms. Bowers:

GTE Wireless reviewed Ms. Baker's account and complaint. Ms. Baker's complaint revolved around charges that appeared on her bill after disconnecting her service and receiving a zero balance statement.

We have spoken with GTE Wireless Customer Service and have verified that Ms. Baker's account was closed on 01-08-1999. We found no record indicating we refunded the customer $90.42. It is possible however, that we refunded her the credit balance on her June 25, 1999 statement before her final payment to us cleared the bank. Ms. Baker's check, which posted to the 06/25/1999 statement, for $90.00 came back NSF (non-sufficient funds) and a $15.00 NSF fee was assessed. Ms. Baker currently owes GTE Wireless $105.00.

GTE Wireless apologizes for the inconvenience Ms. Baker experienced. Should the customer have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact Magdalena Ramirez at (877) 815-7900 ext. 3355. If the Federal Communications Commission has any questions please contact the undersigned at (678) 339-4259.


Kay Howe
Administrator -Regulatory Department


Cc: Christine Baker

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Christine Baker (Admin)

Saturday, July 29, 2000 - 02:06 am Click here to edit this post
As I'm FINALLY leaving for Alaska today, I'm spending the night in my mechanic's office, dealing with CRAP like GTE's billing fraud.

When I picked up my mail yesterday, I got a bill from NAFS, the collection agency for GTE Wireless.

I have already spent AT LEAST 10 hours on this GTE fraud, ACTIVELY working on this dispute, searching for records,reviewing the confusing GTE billing for hours, writing to GTE, the FCC, etc.

As tired as I am, I won't pay. I'm going to stay awake and write a response to the ridiculous and absurd GTE reply to the FCC inquiry.

A few weeks ago, I tried to call Vanessa Kuhn at (717) 338-2546 at the FCC. Always got her VM, finally left a couple of VM messages, but she didn't call me back.

So I'll fax this posting to the FCC and GTE Wireless tonite:


Attn: Kay Howe
Administrator-Regulatory Department

July 29, 2000

Re: Informal complaint of Christine Baker
Reference Number: 2000004852

1) I'd like to make this a FORMAL complaint. How?

2) GTE wrote:

"We found no record indicating we refunded the customer $90.42. It is possible however, that we refunded her the credit balance on her June 25, 1999 statement before her final payment to us cleared the bank."

I'd like to know why the FCC has done about this statement. I can't see HOW the FCC can allow this type of NONaccounting.

GTE has no record of a refund, yet it is possible they sent me a credit balance?


What the hell is that supposed to mean?

GTE continues:

"Ms. Baker's check, which posted to the 06/25/1999 statement, for $90.00 came back NSF (non-sufficient funds) and a $15.00 NSF fee was assessed."

That also is an outright lie!

It took 4 months of arguing with those arrogant brainless buttholes at GTE to get a final bill after they had failed to close my account. I decided to pay MORE than I owed just to get those blood sucking vulchers out of my life.

Because I was no longer doing business (in part due to GTE) and I had repeatedly sent out checks from the business account by accident, I had CLOSED my biz account in May 1999.

Unfortunately, the idiots at Union Bank closed the account, but not the on-line banking. Subsequently, I once again sent out 2 or 3 checks from the business account on 5/21/1999.

I discovered the error and on 6/9/1999 I sent GTE a check for $85. My final bill was actually only $84 and a few cents, but the first $90 I had sent from a public terminal without the actual bill. I just wanted to pay the bill and get to Alaska and never EVER hear from GTE again.

GTE did NOT notify me that the check was returned, and GTE did NOT bill me for any return check fees.

To ensure that nothing was owed, I called the GTE automated account info on 7/16/99 and verified the 0 balance.

I verified the ZERO BALANCE ** 8 ** weeks after I had sent the check from the closed account.

Of course I have the cancelled check for $85, as well as that refund check those morons at GTE sent me and they now have no record of.

I am URGING the FCC to revoke GTE's FCC license.

GTE Wireless is obviously NOT capable of keeping accounting records. Even worse, GTE Wireless is systematically defrauding American consumers.

I myself can provide plenty of proof, I retained all complete bills.

It is time for the FCC to END the support of CORPORATE FRAUD!

To GTE Wireless:

By now I wasted at least 11 hours dealing with your incompetence and billing fraud.

That's ONLY the time wasted on behalf of GTE since I closed my account, and does not include the hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars I lost due to your lousy service, incompetence and billing fraud while I was your customer.

My standard fee is $75/hour.

Total due by 8/15/2000: $825

Any further time required to fight your billing fraud and to collect my fee will be billed at $75/hour PLUS legal fees.

I am looking forward to the FCC response and GTE's check.


Christine Baker


faxed to:

FCC to 717-338-2694
GTE at 888-701-7193

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Christine Baker (Admin)

Thursday, December 21, 2000 - 06:05 pm Click here to edit this post
Nobody bothered to respond. After several messages on Vanessa Kuhn's (FCC) VM were ignored, I finally left a really LOOOONG message. I guess it was so annoying she called me right back.

She informed that all I can do is sue or file a formal complaint with the FCC. She faxed me 17 pages, not really readable, and it requires a $175 filing fee.

I just found

They strongly recommend legal representation, it's like going to court.

When I called the collection agency they didn't have the account anymore. So I called Verizon, got no results.

Recently I got another collection letter from NCO Financial in FL.

I obviously need a lawyer.

This isn't about the $128.10 they now demand.

It's about the corporate billing fraud practiced every day in the USA, condoned by the regulatory agencies and a majority of the US population.

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